2017 Diversity in Action Roundtables

This half-day roundtable event brings together four to five leaders from diverse backgrounds to share their personal stories and experiences that relate to facing adversity in society. Each leader has his or her own table and attendees are given the opportunity to learn more about the leaders’ experiences by rotating tables throughout the event. During these roundtable discussions, attendees are also able to engage in open discussion with fellow attendees to share their personal thoughts, insights, and experiences as well. By securing business and community leaders who can share personal stories that pertain to one of the topics listed below, the Diversity in Action Roundtable aims to not only create awareness about the impact a non-inclusive environment can have on individuals, but also some of the ways in which organizations and individuals can work together to promote the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and community.

D&I Topics

  • RACEHow has race impacted your experiences in the workplace and/or community?
  • ETHNICITYHow has your ethnicity impacted your experiences in the workplace and/or community?
  • RELIGIONHow has your religion impacted your experiences in the workplace and/or community?
  • SEXUAL/GENDER ORIENTATION How has your sexual orientation and/or gender identity impacted your experiences in the workplace and/or community?
  • GENDERHow has your gender impacted your experiences in the workplace and/or community?
  • ALLY How have you been able to serve as an ally to people of underrepresented groups in the workplace and/or community?

